Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Links!

Benghazi/Middle East issues
The Islamic World's quiet revolution
Pat Caddell Says: Media Have Become an "Enemy of the American people"
Botched in Benghazi
White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails
Economic Issues/etc
The trickle-down lie
Seven Minimum Wage Facts That Have Democrats Worried
Drunks and Keynesians
Austerity In Europe: It Will Work If It's Ever Tried
Austerity Works
So total is the Left's cultural ascendancy that no one likes to mention the socialist roots of fascism
The Left is trying to rehabilitate Karl Marx. Let's remind them of the millions who died in his name
Biz Leaders: Washington Is The Real Threat To The Economy
The Swedish model for economic recovery
The new Swedish model
The Life Enhancing, Unrelenting Brilliance of Income Inequality
The reverse-joads of California: low and middle income residents are fleeing the state
Being ‘Socially Liberal’ Is Not Being a Libertarian
Founder: Subway Wouldn’t Exist If Started Today Due to Regulations
The Real Causes of Income Inequality: Any analysis of taxes paid in high tax-and-spend countries shows that the U.S. has the most progressive income tax system in the world.
Kay Hymowitz: Why Women Make Less Than Men
Stimulus Spending Keeps Failing: If austerity is so terrible, how come Germany and Sweden have done so well?
Greece's False Austerity
Greek Government: Not As Austere As It Claimed
The reasl stimulus record
55 percent of small business owners would not start company today, blame Obama
Government Spending Shrinks the Private Sector
The Fantasy of a 91% Top Income Tax Rate
You Cannot Raise Taxes on the Rich
World War II Spending Did Not End the Great Depression
Gerard Depardieu Wants His Freedom Back
So total is the Left's cultural ascendancy that no one likes to mention the socialist roots of fascism
A world awash in oil
Who Really Gets Rich Off High Gas Prices?
The facts about gas prices and oil profits
About those tax breaks for big oil...
How the gov't keeps gas prices high
Report: Fracking 'Brings Breathtaking Economic, Environmental Benefits'
Camille Paglia: A Feminist Defense of Masculine Virtues
Lesbian boss ‘fired me for being straight’
It's a man's world, and it always will be
The hardwired difference between male and female brains could explain why men are 'better at map reading'
Another take on the gender wars
Rise of the happy housewife: How a new wave of feminists are giving up their careers to stay at home because they WANT to
The Duck Dynasty Fiasco Says More About Our Bigotry Than Phil’s
Gay A&E Stars Not Suspended For Expressing Preference for 'Man-A**'
Do squares have three sides because we say so?
Why is gov't involved in marriage anyway?
No Media Outrage After Sotomayor 'Compares' Homosexuality to Incest
Jeremy Irons Wonders: ‘Could a Father Not Marry His Son’ if Same-Sex Marriage Were Allowed
The Marriage Debate I: Confusions about ‘Equality’ and ‘Discrimination’
Marines delay female fitness plan after half fail
Marines: Most Female Recruits Don't Meet New Pullup Standard
Female Marines Not Required To Do 1 Pull-Up
Corps Delays Pull-Up Requirements for Female Marines
'Cowards' pushing women into combat
What Politicians Don't Say About the Military's Sexual Assault 'Epidemic'
Get Over It! We Are Not All Created Equal
The feminist campaign to make weaklings of America’s warriors
CREWS: Homosexuals in the military demand special privileges
Sex and violence
Women in Combat: The Devil’s in the Details
Wrong on women warriors
Women and ‘Appropriate’ Combat Standards
Combat shift ignores gender realities
Combat puts women at unique risk
Women in combat and sexual assault
A strange sort of justice at west point
The military epidemics that aren't
Are Anti-Bullying Programs Having An Opposite Effect?
How Title IX Destroyed One Small College’s Athletics Programs
Do you know the history behind the name of the Washington redskins?
Have the people spoken? on indian sports names
Who are the abortion extremists?
From Roe to Gosnell
Unhappy Hour: DLST
Rush to Judgement
New Justice Department Documents Show Huge Increase in Warrantless Electronic Surveillance
The Republican Party Isn't Really the Anti-Science Party
Eureka! Tea partiers know science
The myth of live and let live liberalism
Report: IRS denied tax-exempt status to pro-lifers on behalf of Planned Parenthood
This is no ordinary scandal
The Dumb Vote
Playing politics with tax records
Does New Study of Burial Cloth Add to Existing Proof that Jesus Was Resurrected Around 33 AD?
What the bible teaches about capitalism
Traditional Catholicism Is Winning
The priesthood is being cast as the refuge of pederasts. In fact, priests seem to abuse children at the same rate as everyone else.
Voter fraud
Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Key Swing State In 2012 Presidential Election
Georgia’s Voter ID Lawsuit, Seven Years Later: Disenfranchised, or Still Voting?
Somali Immigrants Charged With 2012 Voter Fraud in Minnesota
The left's faux martyr
83% approve laws
Top staffer for florida rep resigns amid probe/
Voting early and in more than one state
Latest Wikileaks dump shows Dems effort to throw 2008 election
Mississippi NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of voter fraud
Getting it wrong on voter id
73% Think Photo ID Requirement Before Voting Does Not Discriminate
Rhode Island Democrats Disprove Media Myth That Voter ID Is ‘Racist’
Critics Proved Wrong Again on Voter ID
There Is No Voter Fraud, Unless You Count . . .
The voter fraud that never happens keeps coming back
Did Obama supporter vote 6 times in 2012?
Florida foils web-based voter fraud plot, but next attempt could be more elusive

Friday, November 21, 2008

Global Warming, Environment, related

Alaska Glaciers grew this year, thanks to colder weather
Claim that sea level is rising is a total fraud
Some things we know, and don't know, about polar bears
Swedish scientist accuses UN's IPCC of falsifying data and destroying evidence
BBC shunned me for denying climate change
Proof we are causing polar warming melts away in the cold light of reality
Dr. Roy Spencer censored by the guardians of politicized "official" science?
Global Warming? What a load of poppycock!
Sunlight has more powerful influence on ocean circulation and climate than North American ice sheets
Truly inconvenient truths about climate change being ignored
Solar Databases for global change models
Things caused by global warming ;)
Two mile deep antarctic ice core reveals stupidity of AGW catastrophism
Evidence of sunspot involvement in climate change compelling
Global Warming predictions are overestimated, suggests study on black carbon
Illusions of Climate Science
Global warming ideas disputed by PU prof
‘Planet Has Cooled Since Bush Took Office’ – Scientists Continue Dissenting – Gore Admits 'I've failed badly' - Global Sea Ice GROWS! part II also
12 facts about global climate change that you won't read in the popular press
A major deception on global warming (IPCC)
Astromomical influences affect climate more than CO2, say experts
Dangerous human caused warming can neither be demostrated nor measured
Latest science debunks hurricanes and global warming link
New report calls into question 'Man made' climate change
EcoAmerica Poll: Climate skeptics are the majority, not the minority
Greenhouse misnomer
Climate case built on thin foundation (IPCC author list)
Monitors report widespread global cooling
MIT scientists baffled by global warming theory, contradicts scientific data
UAF professor emeritus continues to question sources of global warming
Why I recanted
Why I've got a beef with going vegetarian

Oil sands cleanup: The public debate on oil sands fails to recognize that restoration is possible and not that expensive
Windfarms: One of the great deceptions of our time

Adds 1/20/2008

Facts Debunk Global Warming Alarmism
The Killer Frost for Global Warming
The Price of Dissent on Global Warming
Rethinking Observed Warming
Pre-industrial CO2 levels were about the same as today. How and why we are told otherwise?
650 Scientists Dissent
The So Called Consensus on Global Warming is Melting
Prominent Scientist Fired By Gore Says Warming Alarm ‘Mistaken’
VIN SUPRYNOWICZ: Cooling is 'not evidence that global warming is slowing'
Sunspot data vital clue to climate change
2008 The Year Man-made Global Warming was Disproved
Global Warming and malaria: knowing the horse before hitching the cart
Professor denies global warming theory
The Earth's magnetic field impacts climate: Danish study
New Study Doesn’t Support Climate Models (But You’ll Never Hear About It)
No Proof Man is causing Warming Trend

Stanford University Study shows ethanol to be worst form of renewable energy
Myths About Energy Threaten Future of Nation
Politically Inconvenient Truth about Electric Cars
Peak Oil is a Myth

Adds 8/14/2009
Consistent with Chronicles, Antarctic Edition
Despite the hot air, the Antarctic is not warming up
Possible natural explanation found for west Antarctica's Warming
Climate Change's antarctic Ruffle
NOAA Meteorologist Claims 'Gross, Blatant Censorship' for Speaking Out Against Climate Change Alarmism
The Crumbling Case for Global Warming
New Paper Demonstrates Anthropogenic Contribution to Global Warming Overestimated, Solar Contribution Underestimated
Japanese Scientists cool on theories
Nobody listens to the real climate change experts
The real deniers
Melting antarctic ice part of a natural cycle
Receding glacier park ice not due to global warming
El Nino study challenges GW intensity link
Rise of sea level is 'the greatest lie ever told'
Where is science behind climate change claims?
Revealed: Antarctic ice growing, not shrinking
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust: theory that Atlantic Ocean is warming due to climate change laid to rest

Shale Gas: The Black Swan in the Gas Patch
"Chemists poke holes in ozone theory: Reaction data of crucial chloride compounds called into question."
Galactic Cosmic Rays May Be Responsible For The Antarctic Ozone Hole
Why are these vegans sent to plague us?
New Jungles Prompt a Debate on Rain Forests
Squeeze that sponge
Unfair Competition From Overseas Deadly For American Car Industry
Bail out Big 3 by cutting red tape
Detroit's Hybrid nightmare
FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate


"no one in his right mind would look to France for anything more weighty than a good soufflé recipe." Max Boot

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” Benjamin Franklin

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." 10th ammendment

“Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” The Gipper

“If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will Lose its freedom.” William Somerset

MaughamSit Vis Vobiscum

"The researches of so many eminent scientific men have thrown so much darkness upon the subject that if they continue their researches we shall soon know nothing." Artemus Ward

the "amount of oil available to the market over the next 25 to 50 years is for all intents and purposes infinite." Morris Adelman, Professor Emeritus in Economics, Harvard

"the United States today is so far removed from laissez-faire capitalism that it is closer to the system of a police state than to laissez-faire capitalism." George Reisman, Pepperdine University Professor Emeritus of Economics

“For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain, I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true. They may be sound chemically, but that does not make them sound logically. And hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms.” J. B. S. Haldane

"I think that we here in the US, probably to our detriment, live in the least truly violent society of any in history." Michael Gira

“a man would be thought a coward if he had no more courage than a courageous woman.” Aristotle

"Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent." Judge Holden

"They'd rather be alive than free, I guess. Poor dumb bastards." Eightball

"Mr. Lindemann gave off an air of such brute masculinity and barely contained violence that it seemed that he could have reached into the crowd, snatched up a fan, and bitten off his head."

"Yeah, I went hunting once. Shot a deer in the leg. Had to kill it with a shovel. Took about an hour. Why do you ask?" Michael Scott

Capt. Thomas Fuller: Sometimes doing the right thing isn't doing the right thing. Sgt. Howard: What the hell is that supposed to mean? "


“A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” John Stuart Mill

"an habitual disuse of physical force totally destroys the moral; and men lose at once the power of protecting themselves, and of discerning the cause of their oppresion." J. Barlow

"to be disarmed is to be contemptible." Machiavelli

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Old and New Links

Here are some older links I've got:

D.C.'s Distinction: $16,344 per student, but only 12% read Proficiently
Scientists say no evidence exists that therapod dinosaurs evolved into birds
Debunking the Israeli Women in Combat Myth
60 Minutes of Distortion: prewar intelligence
IIS Top Secret doc proves intent to hide prohibited items from UN
Where's the dissent about source of quote?:'Dissent is the greatest form of patriotism'
Saddam's Ignored documents of death
Memo reportedly shows location of WMD
Bush didn't lie about WMD
More on the WMD
Was Saddam Regime a Broker for Terror Alliances?
Iraq How-to Manual Directed Arab Military Operatives In Afghanistan
Originally hailed as wonderful, soy can be bad for your health
Identifying Misinformation: 3 conspiracy theories
Carbs and Cancer links
LA Times coverup?: winter soldier war crimes
Al Qaeda in Iraq Under Saddam
Concealed gun permits soar
The fruit and vegetable copout
What to do when compact fluorescents crack
Mercury leaks found as new bulbs break
An Illegal Exodus...Back to Mexico?
Affirming the West
Biofuels deemed a greenhouse threat
Fat Foods You Can Eat: 8 "unhealthy" foods that are actually good for you
You call that health food?
The Wages of HillaryCare
The Lies of Tet
Islam and Fascism
Low-, non-fat milk linked to prostate cancer
Full Fat Dairy, Meat reduces risk of prostate cancer

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Military Genius of Our Time

Victory in Iraq
It has become obligatory for both pro- and antiwar commentators to never mention the possibility of victory in Iraq. The most that antiwar people will admit is that the surge has gained a temporary military advantage in a war that cannot be won militarily. The most pro-war commentators will claim is that they see the possibility of "success" perhaps, maybe, someday, somehow.

But as of Veterans Day 2007, I think one can claim a very real expectation that next year the world may see a genuine, old-fashioned victory in the Iraq War. In five years we will have overturned Saddam's government, killed, captured or driven out of country almost all al Qaeda terrorists, suppressed the violent Shi'ite militias and induced the Sunni tribal leaders and their people to shun resistance and send their sons into the army and police and seek peaceful resolution of disputes. And we will have stood up a multisectarian, tribally inclusive army capable of maintaining the peace that our troops established.


This is most definitely a good thing:

Patraeus Helping Pick New Generals

The Army has summoned the top U.S. commander in Iraq back to Washington to preside over a board that will pick some of the next generation of Army leaders, an unusual decision that officials say represents a vote of confidence in Gen. David H. Petraeus’s conduct of the war, as well as the Army counterinsurgency doctrine he helped rewrite.

The Army has long been criticized for rewarding conventional military thinking and experience in traditional combat operations, and current and former defense officials have pointed to Petraeus’s involvement in the promotion board process this month as a sign of the Army’s commitment to encouraging innovation and rewarding skills beyond the battlefield.

Some junior and midlevel officers who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan have been particularly outspoken in their criticisms, saying the Army’s current leadership lacks a hands-on understanding of today’s conflicts and has not listened to feedback from younger personnel.

“It’s unprecedented for the commander of an active theater to be brought back to head something like a brigadier generals board,” said retired Maj. Gen. Robert Scales, former head of the Army War College. A senior defense official said Petraeus is “far too high-profile for this to be a subtle thing.”

The board, composed of 15 Army generals, will examine a pool of more than 1,000 colonels to select about 40 brigadier generals, expected to lead the service over the next decade or longer. Although each board member has an equal vote on the candidates, Petraeus will be able to guide the discussion.

Petraeus, a four-star general with a doctorate in political science, has spent three of the past four years in Iraq and has observed firsthand many of the colonels under consideration for promotion. He is well-regarded by military officials for his political skills in Iraq and at home, including winning support from a skeptical Congress for a U.S. troop increase in Iraq.

“Dave Petraeus in many ways is viewed as the archetype of what this new generation of senior leader is all about,” Scales said, “a guy . . . who understands information operations, who can be effective on Capitol Hill, who can communicate with Iraqis, who understands the value of original thought, who has the ability through the power of his intellect to lead people to change.”